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Hokkaido Digital Museum

Inaho Fureai Training Center (Okushiri Town History and Folklore Museum)

Southern Hokkaido Area Okushiri Town
稲穂ふれあい研修センター 外観

This facility, which opened in 2004, was repurposed from the closed municipal Inaho Elementary School. It exhibits pottery and stone tools excavated from archaeological sites on Okushiri Island, as well as old articles of every use. It also offers a program for hands-on comma-shaped bead-making and other programs.

museum Facility information

Inaho 162, Okushiri-cho, Okushiri-gun, Hokkaido
01397-2-2201 (contact while the center is closed in winter: Okushiri Town Board of Education, Tel. 01397-2-3890)

Days: Thursdays and Saturdays between May 1 and October 30
(The museum opens on national holidays during this period.)
– The museum opens every day during the Golden Week period (May 2 to 5).


Hours: 9:30 – 16:30
– The museum may open temporarily upon request.


Winter (from November to late April)


Free of charge

Wheelchair accessibility
Parking Accessible restroom Slopes Nursing room Wheelchairs available upon request
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